Saturday, March 12, 2016

My Top 6 Home Hacks: A Linky

This may sound surprising; I have some quirks! While some of my quirks may be just a bit annoying, I prefer to think that they are merely what makes me, me. I beep under tunnels for good luck, I find moths truly disturbing, and don't like old kitchen sponges. My other quirks can be viewed as more productive. As I was washing dishes the other day, I thought a linky sharing home hacks I have found to be time and money savers would be fun and enlightening and maybe even a little endearing.

My top 6 home hacks for busy SLPs:
6. I find the size of "scrubbies" a little too big, so in order to be easier to handle and to save a few cents, I cut them in half. They are easier to use and last twice as long; win-win!

5. When our children were very young I taught them to ball their socks together before placing them in the hamper. Why you ask? Well, I was tired of washing single socks and having them in the drawers waiting for me to wash their mates. I always felt as if I was half done with the laundry. No more singletons in my drawers and even today as teens, our kids wad up their socks. An added benefit is that they always wore matching socks!

4. I tend to be a creature of habit and pack the same lunch every day; salad. One day as I was dining with friends, upon seeing my salad dressing leaking from its container, my friend mentioned she saves prescription containers for transporting dressing. I tried it and lo and behold it worked like a charm! I still place the bottle in a snack sized baggie to ensure it doesn't leak.

3.  I am a "curly curl." One of the cardinal rules of curly girl hair care is not to use a terrycloth towel. The shaft of curly hair is similar to the way a pine cone is layered, so terrycloth tends to catch and cause frizz. I like microfiber towels, but didn't want to spend too much on hair towels. I bought two microfiber dishtowels and stitched them up to make a perfect hair towel. 
2. The thought of all the plastic society consumes laying in landfills for perpetuity troubles me. Just the baggies alone I know we use is exorbitant. Years ago I found this baggie and bottle dryer in the Lehman's Catalog. It is well worth the $25.00 I paid for it and it gives me a little piece of mind that our footprint is just a tad smaller.

1. My final and most important home hack: if the urge to houseclean comes over you, grab a cup of coffee and a good book and wait for the urge to go away!

What time and money savers do you recommend? I would love to hear about your favorite home hacks! Link up and share your wisdom.


  1. I use old Tshirts as my "hair towel" in order to decrease the frizz of my curls.

    1. Great idea. I've heard of using a t-shirt for hair plopping! Check out this video:

  2. Great hacks Annie! My fave from your post is cutting the scrubbies in half. They are huge! Excellent idea.

    1. Thanks, Tracy! As I've been looking around I've been noticing all my quirky hacks! Thanks so much for linking!

  3. Socks, I've got to get on that!! My favorite though is to grab a cup of coffee and read a book when you get the urge to clean...except, I actually like cleaning! If I tried it though I would surely read more!! I clean a lot!

    1. Maybe if I read less my house would be cleaner! :D I need you to be my personal organizer!

  4. You. Are. A. Genius, my friend! :) LOVE the idea of using old prescription bottles for salad dressing!

    1. Thanks, Mary! I'm really not...sometimes I just manage a clever thought!

  5. Oh the sock nightmares I have! I NEED to have my kids start to use your Life Hack strategy. Thanks so much for organizing this. I know it's been a tough week, think sun on your face, feet up, relaxing on the deck/porch.... it's quickly approaching.

    1. Bunching socks: such a simple strategy that eased my laundry burden! Thanks for the encouragement; and this too shall pass!

    2. Bunching socks: such a simple strategy that eased my laundry burden! Thanks for the encouragement; and this too shall pass!
